Industry Insurance
- Get a quote accounts for one of the top queries customers reach to insurance agents.
- Customers interact with multiple insurance vendors to analyze the offerings and find the best quote. Companies must provide every possible information that customer need and when they need it. .
- Providing a competitive quote without collecting and analyzing customer information is quite challenging for insurance companies. Capturing this information is cumbersome and asks for manual efforts.
- XO Platform’s conversational capabilities enable insurance companies to interact with customers in the most natural way to provide information and to capture customer requirements.
- It also offers rich UI elements, including forms, drop-down lists, etc. to make the information collection easy.
- The virtual assistant interfaces with backend business engines to revert back with a quote.
Expected Benefits:
- Automation of information collection and quote generation simplifies customer and employee efforts significantly.
- 24 x 7, faster responses improve customer satisfaction bigtime.